The other side of Pain

Over the course of my 62 years, I have experienced all kinds of tears. There have been tears of joy. I have wept in deep sadness and loss and found the overwhelming ecstasy of tears of love. Never have I ever experienced tears of excruciating pain…and that's with the pain meds.

Recently, I sustained multiple fractures and severe injuries in a bike accident. This required hospitalization and surgery. The wonderful doctors did a total reverse shoulder replacement.

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Are you connected to Ancestral Intelligence “AI”? If not, you should be!

Over the last several millennia, Shamans have been the keepers of Ancestral Intelligence. They were master technologists who built pyramids and accomplished many other mind-boggling feats. Perhaps none more significant than getting out of this lifetime alive, now. What did they know that we must understand to meet humanity's greatest evolutionary challenge?

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Are you paying attention? The Dangers of Living a False Narrative.

The truth hurts. Some years ago, when I was a hard-charging real estate investment banker and investor, I would often gobble tums at sunrise and indulge in tequila at sunset. By all measures, I was living the picture-perfect life; family, friends, house, and so on. I had it all, or so I thought. Everything was nothing. I was not paying attention. The search for clues and answers began. Long story short, I was not paying attention to my heart and soul's calling. I had taken my eyes off "the ball."

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5 Steps to Thrive During the Coming Major Evolutionary Events

Life, as we know, is changing as never before. Climate change, war, economic turmoil, and many other seen and unseen events are being thrust upon us. Is there a way to make yourself immune to potential detrimental changes in life? Yes, my previous blog discusses how we can embrace changelessness and thrive even in the most adverse and challenging conditions. It involves a process of ultimate transformation. Let’s call it the Quantum Transformation.

The journey from change to changelessness brings out the better version of yourself, Hu 2.0, as your authentic Self remains in a state of changelessness.

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Are you Evolving or Devolving?

Does size matter? It did for much of my life. The bigger, the better. A bigger home, car, and material stuff made me feel alive. I lived locally and acted in my self-interest. And then, there was an awakening. I began to see the bigger picture, and I began to live locally and act in the better interest of the globe. 

The first changes began to occur when I became a student of 'A Course in Miracles.' Not long after that, I received the Nine Rites of Passage and the high Shamanic Initiations of the great Earthkeepers. Instead of thinking big, I began to think small. That made me curious about atoms, molecules, DNA, and the sub-atomic nature of the quantum field. 

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Five Vital Questions to Become Hu 2.0

You can become a better version of yourself, Hu 2.0. It requires you to change. But what changes - Your fate, destiny, and or the Self?

While change is essential in life, not everything changes. In fact, you go from change to changelessness all the time.

You can't change your fate but you can change your destiny by asking essential questions. These changes will connect you to the quantum field. However, it would help if you commit yourself with the right intentions. Remember, the authentic Self remains in a state of changelessness.

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What is THE most important date you do not want to miss before you die?

The old storyline of the romantic partnership I told myself was, what's in it for me? Narcissistic dating to fill the jagged hole of inadequacy within the self is the norm these days. It does not matter if you are married or single. Anybody can get stuck in this rut of romance. I was for many years. So, what changed? Since Love is unchanging I realized that I need to change. I needed to regenerate the love within. I found that regenerating love, as I have described, led to a miracle. The date with myself transformed the date with faith to a date with destiny.

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What Is the Great Secret of Love?

Which of the following statements resonates with you? “I think; therefore I am.” or “I Love; therefore I am.” As we leave behind old ways of thinking and loving, I invite you to consider your answer seriously. This question, in many respects, is a defining question that could determine what life has in store. Why?

Thinking, being linear, is a straight line, whereas loving is circular. Thinking projects separate thoughts and actions, and loving projects the unified wholeness that acts in the best interests of all.

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The Silent but Deadly Pandemic. Five things to inoculate yourself.

As we close out the year, I am feeling deeply grateful to you and all the wonderful things that have unfolded over the past year. There is much to celebrate. And I would be remiss to not speak of the fragility of the human condition at the moment.

Too many of us are suffering as never before. Humanity is currently in an intense period of significant biological and psychological change. The Tsunami of change struck the mind first. In the coming few years great biological and earth changes will begin to unfold. For many these changes have already had a dangerous and deadly outcome.

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Don’t miss the Next Evolution of Yourself. Will you be blinded or will you See the unimaginable?

One eye keeps an eye, Lol, on the world and all its chaos, conflict and hopefully the beauty and wonder of the world that surrounds us. This is your outer lens of perception. This lens reacts based on our instinctive survival mechanism. The other eye keeps an eye on the heart, soul and tends to your inner being. This is your inner lens. It organizes life around the divine self and inner authentic you. Sadly, for many of us this eye has a patch over it. It cannot see the genius and beauty of yourself due to a severing of its optic nerve.

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New World Resolutions: 5 Key Things To Do In 2023

The time of the year has come to set things right at work, home, and the world in order to achieve that ever-alluring best life. ’Tis time for the New Year resolutions! Of course, who can forget the New Year, except most often, resolutions slowly fade into oblivion.

Nevertheless, New Year's resolutions are a fad that captivates people to plan to do things for themselves, not realizing there's an error in the script itself. No wonder why the New Year resolutions fail! Why?

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Are you prepared for great change? There are no safe places, only safe people. Are you a safe person?

Time and time again, we come to a choice point. Will we choose fear or will it be love? I have been reflecting on what an extraordinary year 2022 has been. We are clearly in the thick of great change. Many have said that humanity has gone through many periods of great change. True. However, what we are experiencing now has never occurred on such a grand scale. We are the early stages of a vast expansion of consciousness. What are we to do?

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Evolutionary Storytelling: The Power of Your New Story

Do you know that the story you live and tell impacts your life and others? If you change your story, you can change your life and the lives of others. It is as simple as that. Stories need to evolve with time to stay relevant. To evolve a story, you have to unlearn the old story. How does evolutionary storytelling help us? It allows us to accept and change reality. It helps us reach the higher and next level of life by changing our perception of reality. Evolutionary storytelling will help you discover a new story to heal and transform the past in order to create influence and impact the future. It helps change our mindset and triggers a new paradigm shift from a place of fear to a place of love.

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Are you committed to Life or ...?

Like a rocket ship penetrating the far reaches of the cosmos, we humans are on a mission to reach for the outermost frontier of our destiny. The only question is, "do you go to the harbor to catch your ride, or do you go to the launch pad?" No right or wrong; it's only a matter of what kind of life experience you choose. Recently we topped 8 billion hearts and souls. We have stretched the outer limits of Mother Earth. Now we face the ultimate question, will we consciously evolve rapidly, or will we take the slow ride of de-evolution?

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Reimagining the Future by Unlearning the Past: Discover Your New Story that will Change Everything

Have you ever thought you need a magic wand to change your life? No magic is required; simply changing your story will do the trick. What is your present story? If you carefully observe, you will find that your present story is based on your past experiences and learning. Upon deeper reflection, you will realize that most of your past learning is counterproductive in manifesting a promising future and joyful present. When you make this discovery, you become aware of the importance of unlearning your past and living fully in the present.

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Special Invitation: Will you accept or decline this opportunity?

Have you ever stepped back from your busy life to ask yourself, 'what stories am I or have I been telling myself and others?' If not, I highly recommend that you do. When I began to observe the stories I was telling, I realized that I was living in the past. What I discovered was a miracle. When you begin to shed the old stories, the new story begins to infiltrate your life. As this happens, a new narrative takes hold in the bedrock of your being. That narrative tells and shows your new story; one that embraces your genius, love, peace, joy, and abundance.

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How to Find Your Genius - It's Right in Front of Your Heart

Do you know you have more power than you think, feel, and believe? Most of us don’t because we limit our potential to the belief system(s) we adopted growing up. Take the test below and discover why your genius remains hidden in the past or out of the realm of possibilities in the future. I have included a few key tips on transforming your limiting beliefs into a new story that helps you live a joyful, loving, peaceful, and abundant life.

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How to do the impossible?

How can you break the limitations of who you think you are and tap your limitless potential? Our blog shares key insights on how you, too, can break the boundaries of who you think you are and what you can do. At the Genius Studio, we are dedicated to helping you end the journey of endless seeking and find your Genius and live your best life now.

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The Power of Intuition: How to Unleash Your New Story to Create Influence and Impact

Intuition is a beautiful tool to know better and understand yourself. It’s a faint voice in your head that becomes clearer the more you trust it. Trusting your intuition is to trust yourself. Your intuition is unique to you and guides you through creating a happy life for yourself. The power of intuition lies in its ability to empower you. Tapping into your intuition requires the highest level of discernment.

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