SOS​​…the Genesis of the New Revolution

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Recently, I had a vision of a woman. She was sitting on a planet on a distant star in our Milky Way Galaxy. She saw pulsing red beams of light coming from Earth. Beaming across the night sky full of billions of stars were the letters SOS, the international signal for distress. I thought to myself, “By God, what have we earthly humans gotten ourselves into this time?”

The imperative of the question led me to the answer coded in the letters SOS. It’s a clarion call to humanity to take immediate action to Save Our Selves from ourselves. The science is clear that no ​​other species on Earth poses a more significant threat to life than humans.

Simply put, we either evolve or die. I have concluded that we will evolve and save ourselves from assured destruction. If we choose the correct means to accomplish the end game, the outcome is certain. Since the end is certain, we need to do only one thing individually and collectively. And what is that one thing?

Certainty of the outcome by nature implies that the ​outcome is whole and complete. There are no if’s, and’s, or maybe’s. We humans, need to do the same. When we come into an organic balance of body, heart, mind, soul, and spirit, we can live as One, complete and whole.

The genesis of the new revolution begins now with you and me. ​​There is no choice in the matter. We will all participate in this exponential evolutionary eve​​nt. There is no such thing as a bad event, only bad preparation for an event. Together, we can prepare by helping each other evolve into our best versions.

I am with you,


Adam C Hall is a published Author, Inspirational Speaker, Earth Steward and Father. A trained Shaman and teacher of A Course of Miracles Adam has dedicated his life to helping others realize their Genius in order to live a life of health and service.

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