Simply put, we either evolve or die. I have concluded that we will evolve and save ourselves from assured destruction. If we choose the correct means to accomplish the end game, the outcome is certain. Since the end is certain, we need to do only one thing individually and collectively. And what is that one thing?
Read MoreDoes size matter? It did for much of my life. The bigger, the better. A bigger home, car, and material stuff made me feel alive. I lived locally and acted in my self-interest. And then, there was an awakening. I began to see the bigger picture, and I began to live locally and act in the better interest of the globe.
The first changes began to occur when I became a student of 'A Course in Miracles.' Not long after that, I received the Nine Rites of Passage and the high Shamanic Initiations of the great Earthkeepers. Instead of thinking big, I began to think small. That made me curious about atoms, molecules, DNA, and the sub-atomic nature of the quantum field.
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