The Secret to extraordinary wealth of abundance, joy, peace and love begins by Unlearning that which keeps you in lack.


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The Little Book of Genius: Miracles

Miracles happen every day, but they may be different than you think. A true miracle is a change in perspective, a shift in thinking from fear to love. Miracles are reminders that the presence of Divine Love is inside you, and everything you're looking for is within reach. You are never alone.

Now, with the help of simple but inspiring stories, mantras, and Thirteen Wisdom Teachings in this Little Book of Genius, you'll find a path to miracles in your life.

Carry this book with you, return to it again and again, and see how miracles start to unfold. The abundance, peace of mind, and harmony you're looking for are all just a thought away.

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The Little Book of Genius: Abundance

In this companion book to Divine Genius, Adam C. Hall provides a handbook with Thirteen Universal Wisdom Teachings to help you end scarcity and create abundance. In it you will find real-world examples to bring home their importance in day-to-day life.

This book is designed to be used each day. Carry it with you, share it with others, and practice its teachings to find peace, love, joy, and prosperity. Learn how to let go of your fear-based thinking and instead embrace your genius Mind. Recite the mantras provided with each teaching to learn the truth about your authentic Self, enhance your connection to others, and manifest a life of purpose.

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Divine Genius: The Unlearning Curve

Adam shares 13 ancient universal  wisdom teachings enliven this work, the second entry in his life trilogy. He offers up the Genius Process to help you Unlearn all that no longer serves your soul and life’s calling.

Discover how to get out of this lifetime alive, honor your epic, and unleash your genius. Radically new insights on this critical moment for Earth abound.


Praise for Divine Genius

“Adam C. Hall’s book Divine Genius is a consciousness template to apply Quantum Physics in real life. He helps the reader rise above disempowering programs to manifest our intentions and thrive into the future. I highly recommend it as a guide to free ourselves by freeing our minds.”

Bruce H. Lipton, PhD., epigenetic science pio- neer, and bestselling author of The Biology of Belief

Divine Genius chronicles Adam C. Hall’s psychic journey that resulted in the creation of his Genius Process. Follow Adam’s lead and prepare to be catapulted from fear to love, from darkness into the light.”

—Lynne McTaggart, internationally bestselling author of The Field, The Intention Experiment, and The Power of Eight

“Adam C. Hall takes us on an inner and outer journey to rediscover the Grail and embrace it in each of our hearts. Nonstop enlight- ened action and wisdom in ancient sacred places. A guide to our collective destiny.”

—Alberto Villoldo, PhD., author of Shaman, Healer, Sage and Grow a New Body

Divine Genius takes you on a spiritual adventure—a quest to reclaim the ORIGINAL WISDOM you were born with. Adam C. Hall is your trusted guide. He will show you the way.”

—Robert Holden, author of Shift Happens!

“Walking a spiritual path has never been so important. Adam C. Hall beautifully lays out a path and helps us find a better way to live in the chaos of the modern world.”

—Dr. Pedram Shojai, New York Times best-

selling author of The Urban Monk

Divine Genius is a searingly honest, courageous, and vital quest, laying bare the evolutionary rite of passage we are undertaking and seeking to understand and embody what it means to choose a new future for the betterment of all.”

Dr. Jude Currivan, cosmologist, author of The Cosmic Hologram and cofounder of WholeWorld-View

“In these murkiest of times, skillful tools for insight and guidance such as what Adam C. Hall provides are really essential. The soul feasts on Truth.”

—James O’Dea

Divine Genius contains the hard-won wisdom that comes from lived experience combined with the perennial wisdom of the shamanic traditions. The book has many important lessons and you will be well served to read it.”

—David Gershon, CEO of Empowerment Institute and author of Social Change 2.0

Divine Genius: The Unlearning Curve may be the most satisfying quest you’ve ever experienced. Adam C. Hall helps take the reader on a journey of awakening to discover what it means to be fully human. He offers Universal Wisdom Teachings to help us create spiritual,

Debra Landwehr Engle, bestselling author of The Only Little Prayer You Need and Let Your Spirit Guides Speak

“Adam C. Hall is an evolutionary entrepreneur and attuned guide. He is a Quantum Genius who has dedicated his life to help others realize their own spiritual, social, and planetary potential.”

—Barbara Marx Hubbard, author of Conscious Evolution


Earthkeeper: Undeveloping The Future

Learn how to co-create your Life through this Indiana Jones-style true story. Priceless treasures of love and inner wealth are the results.

Adam embarks upon the hero's journey to awaken from the nightmare of his life condition.


Praise for The Earhkeeper

“The Earthkeeper is an authentic, revealing story about the inner world of the human psyche. Adam C. Hall illustrates how intention, fearlessness and love can awaken the heart to the joy of being.”

Deborah Rozman Ph.D.–President and CEO, Heart Math Inc. 

“The Earthkeeper is honest and beautifully written. It is truly insightful and touching. This is a remarkable testament to the power and creativity of Spirit and how we are called toward truth and freedom.”

Rick Jarow, Ph.D.–Professor, Vassar University and Author of “The Alchemy of Abundance” 

“Hall puts forth a microcosmic model of how our overly materialistic world, with its destructive blindness, really could turn itself around and become spiritually and emotionally aware, with a civilization to match.  True to his name, Adam is like an archetypal 'first man' of the Age of Aquarius, with all the ups and downs, clarity and confusion, humor and humanness that such a dawning engenders.”

Lyn Birkbeck–Astrologer and Author of “Understanding the Future”

“What makes Adam’s story so compelling is not only the skill with which it is told, or the details of his many daring (and often amusing) adventures–or even his willingness to bare his naked psyche to the judgment of his readers. The biggest reason why his story is so important is that it serves as a perfect mirror for our times. There are many guides and resources to assist those who are now stepping onto the path. This book is such a guide, and a brilliant one!”

Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.– Founder, The Four Winds Society and Author of “Shaman, Healer, Sage” 

“The EarthKeeper is a rite of passage that turns a contemporary businessman, otherwise headed towards self-ruin and oblivion-–into a gentle, wise guardian of the Earth. This courageously conveyed tale should give every would-be Gordon Gekko ample pause, if not sufficient motivation, to turn greed into selfless service and hedonism into a love of nature.  Adam C. Hall has written a tale of environmental redemption in a world more accustomed to sleepwalking and indifference.”

Michael Tobias, Ph.D.– Ecologist, Filmmaker and Author of “Voice of the Planet” 

Adam C. Hall was living a life that made no sense. When he finally realized his true purpose on earth, it was almost too late. This is an entertaining and exciting read.  Sometimes it is hard to believe that it is all true, but it is.”

Victor Villasenor–NY Times Best-Selling Author of “Rain of Gold”