Who are you becoming in 3, 5, 10, 50 a 100 years from now?

Shamans have long practiced the art of dreaming your world into being. Life is not merely a matter of fate. It is also about co-creating a destiny of your choosing. We have a choice to move beyond the future’s past and dream our future self into being…now.

“The only person you were destined to become is the person you decide to be”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson 


“Adam’s book, Divine Genius, the Unlearning Curve is a consciousness template to apply Quantum Physics in real life. He helps the reader rise above disempowering programs to manifest our intentions and thrive into the future. I highly recommend it as a guide to free ourselves by freeing our minds.”

-Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., epigenetic science pioneer, and bestselling author of The Biology of Belief


Serving people, planet, and business…since 2007