Are you Evolving or Devolving?

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Does size matter? It did for much of my life. The bigger, the better. A bigger home, car, and material stuff made me feel alive. I lived locally and acted in my self-interest. And then, there was an awakening. I began to see the bigger picture, and I began to live locally and act in the better interest of the globe. 

The first changes began to occur when I became a student of 'A Course in Miracles.' Not long after that, I received the Nine Rites of Passage and the high Shamanic Initiations of the great Earthkeepers. Instead of thinking big, I began to think small. That made me curious about atoms, molecules, DNA, and the sub-atomic nature of the quantum field. 

Shamans live in Ayni, a sacred reciprocity with everything. What was their secret? They saw the universe in the tiniest of things. They knew that love creates universes. Now, I do as they do. I live locally, act locally, evolve globally, and love universally. This is the life affirming principle.

Devolution is the death affirming principle. It is a choice, not an outcome. As we evolve, I invite you to join me and millions of others in being mindful of all our relations and choosing the Beauty Way. Life over death. We are, after all, just a speck of stardust in the vast cosmos of eternity.



Adam C Hall is a published Author, Inspirational Speaker, Earth Steward and Father. A trained Shaman and teacher of A Course of Miracles Adam has dedicated his life to helping others realize their Genius in order to live a life of health and service.

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