The other side of Pain

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Over the course of my 62 years, I have experienced all kinds of tears. There have been tears of joy. I have wept in deep sadness and loss and found the overwhelming ecstasy of tears of love. Never have I ever experienced tears of excruciating pain…and that's with the pain meds.

Recently, I sustained multiple fractures and severe injuries in a bike accident. This required hospitalization and surgery. The wonderful doctors did a total reverse shoulder replacement.

As we all know, life has many twists and turns. From the mountain tops of Peru to the hospital bed in Santa Barbara, it has been an extraordinary year of surrender. It appears to me that a great shift is now fully underway. Grace wants to flow in and through us. I believe that all the rivers of tears lead to the same place within; Inner Peace.

There are many ways for the light to enter the soul's depths. It does so with joy, love, gratitude, loss, pain, and other Soul-piercing energies. In these moments of tears, the ultimate relief comes from a trust in spirit and an unflinching knowing of safety. Beyond pain and all else lies our ancient soul never dying, never birthing, forever flying free into the light of God’s holy grace.

This latest journey has deepened my gratitude for each of you and the planetary home we share. The love and prayers received have given me a renewed sense of purpose and mission.

I am with you, onward.

Adam C Hall is a published Author, Inspirational Speaker, Earth Steward and Father. A trained Shaman and teacher of A Course of Miracles Adam has dedicated his life to helping others realize their Genius in order to live a life of health and service.

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