Why are you here?

How fast things change... everything changed in my world in the first half of 2023.

From the accident that cracked open my inner and outer world to the launching of SoulGuide, I have come to embrace that “life will never be the same.” Perhaps you too have noticed a great change internally (spiritually) and externally (materially). At a minimum, you are likely intuiting that great change is on the horizon. I invite you to do what I should have done more diligently; pay attention to all that no longer serves your heart, mind, and soul.

During this period, I have been excited, yet at times, I have asked, “What the F’ck?” It has felt unknown, uncertain, and at times scary. Letting go is a wise spiritual practice but difficult to implement.

All in all, with each passing day, I know that I know very little. For those of you who have a strong need to know, as I did for much of my 62 years, I share with you it’s ok not to know. As a matter of fact, in many instances, it is better not to know. This is not to say that “ignorance is bliss.” The innocent, curious heart, mind, and soul have a magical way of revealing the secret of life.

You can discover the secret to not knowing by asking joyfully curious, boldly courageous, and radically compelling questions. What big questions are you asking right now? You can ask a timeless master steeped in spiritual intelligence your question and get an immediate answer. Who knows, what you receive may set you free.



Adam C Hall is a published Author, Inspirational Speaker, Earth Steward and Father. A trained Shaman and teacher of A Course of Miracles Adam has dedicated his life to helping others realize their Genius in order to live a life of health and service.

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