The Silent but Deadly Pandemic. Five things to inoculate yourself.

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As we close out the year, I am feeling deeply grateful to you and all the wonderful things that have unfolded over the past year. There is much to celebrate. And I would be remiss to not speak of the fragility of the human condition at the moment.

Too many of us are suffering as never before. Humanity is currently in an intense period of significant biological and psychological change. The Tsunami of change struck the mind first. In the coming few years great biological and earth changes will begin to unfold. For many these changes have already had a dangerous and deadly outcome.

For the last several years, I have been diligently preparing, training and helping others with this silent killer. While the climate crisis looms large, the greatest crisis of our time is happening in our minds. The state of humanity's mental health has reached the lowest point since record-keeping has begun. I will spare you the grim details. The rates of deaths from depression and addiction have skyrocketed. It has been particularly hard on young males but has left no segment untouched.

To date, COVID caused nearly 6,648,420 deaths worldwide. Deaths due to COVID-related isolation leading to depression and addiction are significantly higher. They say that 87 million people have sought some form of mental health help in the last few years. The primary cause, Longing to belong. Do these five things to inoculate yourself and protect your family from this hidden dis-ease.

Put and end to Longing by:

1) If you are lonely, spend time with anyone that will receive your smile and hold your heart.

2) If you are feeling loved, share your love with another who needs you now.

Inspire Trust by:

3) Cultivate love, share love, and love yourself in every moment at every turn.

4) Find stillness, silence, and peace in every moment at every turn.

5) Build Trust and Inspire others in every moment at every turn.

Wishing you a Happy New Earth. May this coming time be full of Joy and Blessings for you and your family.


Adam C Hall is a published Author, Inspirational Speaker, Earth Steward and Father. A trained Shaman and teacher of A Course of Miracles Adam has dedicated his life to helping others realize their Genius in order to live a life of health and service.

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