Don’t miss the Next Evolution of Yourself. Will you be blinded or will you See the unimaginable?

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"May we live in interesting times.” -An old Chinese curse. We are now living in a time that says, “May we live in extraordinary times.” Naturally, you have, like every human, two eyes. One eye keeps an eye, Lol, on the world and all its chaos, conflict and hopefully the beauty and wonder of the world that surrounds us. This is your outer lens of perception. This lens reacts based on our instinctive survival mechanism. The other eye keeps an eye on the heart, soul and tends to your inner being. This is your inner lens. It organizes life around the divine self and inner authentic you. Sadly, for many of us this eye has a patch over it. It cannot see the genius and beauty of yourself due to a severing of its optic nerve. Not to worry.

This severing can be repaired. Here's how. A quick fix happens organically when you connect with the Pachamama, Mother Earth AND Mother Nature. New Science now shows us that when the human energy body comes into relationship with the vibration and frequency of nature, the inner eye heals. The patch that blinds us gets removed. How so?

The Schumann resonances are frequencies that emanate from the earth. The highest of the three frequencies, 7.83 Hz when attuned to the heart frequency of 5.28 Hz brings us into a state of Oneness. While I do not know the inner workings of spirit…god, nor, quite frankly do I want to, I do know that the integration of these frequencies ultimately creates a harmony that heals the inner optic nerve. Why? Because Mother Nature functions in a perpetual state of balance that always maintains Her ability to regenerate. The next evolution of humans begins with each of us and a choice to regenerate and See again.

I look forward to hearing from you as we continue our journey together in the coming year and beyond. Together we can and will create a new world. One of joy, love, peace, and wealth.



Adam C Hall is a published Author, Inspirational Speaker, Earth Steward and Father. A trained Shaman and teacher of A Course of Miracles Adam has dedicated his life to helping others realize their Genius in order to live a life of health and service.

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