How to do the impossible?

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Over the years, I have thought a lot about freedom, specifically in the context of human dependency on people and things outside of ourselves. The seeking quest took me around the globe, into the mountains, jungles, deserts, over the seas and oceans, and everywhere in between.

Breaking the mold from the mindset of old norms and shedding the limiting beliefs that no longer served my body, heart, mind, and soul was a profoundly joyful, loving, and challenging journey. Many things became clear along the way, including doing the impossible. In my latest book, The Divine Genius - the Unlearning Curve, I posed the question: "Can you get out of this lifetime alive?"... and be freed from most of the ongoing challenges of simply being human. Can you defeat death and do the impossible?

If you are bound and dependent upon a system, a culture, or someone else, or need to be or do something other than who you are, you can not get out of this lifetime alive. Why? Because you become beholden to your limited potential.

How can you break the limitations of who you think you are and tap your limitless potential? Our blog shares key insights on how you, too, can break the boundaries of who you think you are and what you can do. At the Genius Studio, we are dedicated to helping you end the journey of endless seeking and find your Genius and live your best life now.

May you do what you always have dreamed of.



Adam C Hall is a published Author, Inspirational Speaker, Earth Steward and Father. A trained Shaman and teacher of A Course of Miracles Adam has dedicated his life to helping others realize their Genius in order to live a life of health and service.

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