5 Essential W’s to Becoming a 5D Genius Human

There are different dimensions of consciousness. 3D consciousness constitutes the body, the mind, and the heart. As 3D Human, you experience these three dimensions in the duality of everyday life.

Add one higher dimension of spirit or the energy body to develop yourself into a 4D human. Though you experience higher consciousness, everything seems separate.

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Adam C. HallComment
How Quantum Physics Relates to Business  Leadership

What has quantum physics got to do with business? People often ask me this question and it’s no surprise if it boggles your mind too.

Well, quantum physics is the basis of life. Our life, the world, and the Universe work on the principles of quantum physics.

Though quantum physics does not directly help in doing business, we can learn from its principles and apply them in our business to get clarity, overcome problems, and achieve success.

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Adam C. HallComment
5 Types of Leadership: Are You a Genius Leader?

A leader is a person who guides and or inspires others. I believe great leadership requires a diligent and dedication to personal growth as well.

Such leadership can lead you to success, both in terms of inner and outer wealth. I’m talking about Genius Leadership.

A Genius Leader can effectively guide, manage, and uplift others. Their style of leadership inspires continuous streams of personal and professional growth and profits.

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Adam C. Hall
8 Steps to Connect with the Universe and Create the Life You Want

We all have ambitions, dreams, and wishes in our lives. You may wish to have a certain luxurious kind of lifestyle or some special resources like money or fame to help you in your life. You may even want to help some people or do something for our Mother Earth.

The good news is that you can fulfill your wishes and create the kind of life you want. You can manifest whatever you want. But to do that, you need to be connected to the Universe.

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Wilding: Why Our Wild Nature Is More Important Now Than Ever Before

What is the source of humanity's innate wild nature?

It's a deep yearning from within. An urge to be free of boundaries and limitations that constrict the human spirit and the soul's calling to live fully in love and joy.

Like all things in the animal kingdom, humans must evolve on a physical and psychological level. This is in order to rejuvenate the vibrancy of the life force that penetrates all forms on Earth.

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Adam C. HallComment
The Wonder of Women - and How Feminine Wisdom Will Save the World

I'd like to begin by requoting a very powerful utterance from His Holiness, the Dalai Lama:

"The world will be saved by the Western woman."

Wow. This is a powerful statement. But one that truly holds merit.

Why do I believe the Dalai Lama would make this claim? It has to do with my stance on how the masculine is, more quickly than ever, giving way to the cleansing and fortifying essence of the Divine Feminine.

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Adam C. HallComment
Quantum Wisdom: Finding Your Super Power

To become Quantum is to unify body, heart, mind, and spirit as one. Wisdom is to utilize both knowledge and experience as one. Super powers are an outgrowth of Quantum Wisdom.

To some of us, super powers are fictitious, but we can make our super powers a fact of reality. We don’t need to know our super powers, but we can still activate them.

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Quantum Wisdom: The Peace That Comes From Helping Those Around Us

Know the Golden Rule? Then you're likely wiser than you already know.

You see, wisdom is an inner knowing that is relational to others, just like in The Golden Rule. As we enter into the Golden Age of Humanity, our 5D nature requires us to live by this Rule.

It's a sense of judgment that's beneficial to the greater good of all -- not some. It also offers insight, where you take your life experience to powerful effect. Each of us has the ability to exponentially impact the whole when we share our light and gifts. There is nothing enlightened about playing small as a 3D human. Why not play big in the brilliance of your 5D true nature?

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Adam C. Hall
5D: The Dark Side of Becoming A Quantum Human

Working through our shadows can be made simple. We have body, mind and spirit. When we bring those together in 3D, we can ascend. Our 5D experience transcends and includes the 3D experience, plus the energy body and the quantum field. We can bring these together and experience our 5- dimensional nature. This is when we become unified with the whole of our being.

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Adam C. HallComment
21 Ways to Navigate Uncertainty

Your Truth and your Joy are your best defense during these challenging times - Adam C. Hall

These 21 tips will guide you through your life in the aspects of Finance, Relationships, Wellness, World Change, and the Unknown.

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Adam C. Hall
Your Family Office Needs A Clear Mission: Why Going “Quantum” is Key To Achieving Your Aims

Managing your family's financial assets requires uncommon vision. Yet life is strewn with obstacles that blind and hamstring family wealth. In an ever-shifting world, how can family offices do more than just tread water?

A single word holds the answer: alignment. As an "inner office advisor," and deeply experienced personal development mentor to men of wealth, EVERY family office should implement the most essential changes for the true success they demand.

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Quantum Wealth: A Bottom-Line Approach to Life Transformation

Do you value your time each day? Is your inner peace a key priority for you?

If so, quantum wealth is a principle you're already well on track to practicing. When you add focus and intention to it, quantum wealth promises to unlock untold measures of happiness, joy and fulfillment in all aspects of your experience.

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Enriching Your “Inner Wealth Portfolio”

Soul-expanding travel -- yes, even during this challenging moment -- can do wonders to expand what I call your “inner wealth portfolio.”

While a traditional wealth portfolio breaks down into stocks, equities, bonds, exchange-traded funds, real estate, and all other segments of investing, an inner wealth portfolio breaks down as follows:

Body, Heart, Mind, Spirit, and Genius.

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There are no Safe Places, Only Safe People

The great challenges that are emerging on our planet - such as climate change and bioterrorism, are no doubt foretelling of challenging times. Whether you are an entrepreneur or CEO of a Fortune 500 company, no one is left untouched.

What I want to share with you today is that I learned early on in my business career and early on in my Journey to Genius from my teacher Alberto Villoldo, is that: there are no safe places, there are only safe people.

That begs the question, how do you become a safe person?

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The Importance of Remembering Your Truth

Do you agree or disagree that during these times of great change and challenges, namely COVID-19 and the social distancing that goes along with it, that things will never be the same?

I believe that things will never be the same. We may default into some of the same habits, but that doesn’t mean that the way we function at home, at work, and in our lives will ever be the same. So what we need to do - as entrepreneurs, as executives, or even as a husband, wife, partner or father, is adapt to these new ways. It’s going to be radically new, and we can choose to sustain what was, or we can choose to adapt to what is radically new.

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