The Evolutionary Path: Critical Findings to Thrive in Life and Business During the Great Transition

During the coming era of punctuated evolution, a period of time when rapid earth changes exceed our ability to evolve, individuals and businesses will need to transform themselves as never before. Devolution of the human race, however real, could drive us to take actions that only propound the situation. What practical actions should we take to address this crisis?

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mindsetAdam C. HallComment
Cutting Edge Consciousness: Using the Sword of Truth to Dream your World into Being

Like a surgeon’s sharp scalpel, the sword of truth can cut out those parts of our life that do not support happiness. This should be done gracefully by being forgiving of ourselves and others.  By being kind and gentle with the process of letting go you can get on with the life you are meant to live. 

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The Genius Matrix: Building the Bridge to your Destiny

Steve Jobs once said, “If you define the problem correctly, you almost have the solution.”

Are you facing challenges in your life? Are your relationships fulfilling? Does your work activate your highest joy? Are you peaceful? Does your body feel vibrant and full of energy? Are you in transition?  If you answered no to any of these questions you are not alone.

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No Risk, No Reward

Life's magic happens not despite the risk of rejection but because of it. Risk is so essential to the story that without facing some kind of stakes, there is no story. I honor your courage and willingness to write a new story. This story can be one of your highest calling.

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mindsetAdam C. Hall
The Power of Portals

There are two Mindsets: one that lives in fear and allows the past to determine its future. It waits until life takes its course and lives according to fate. And there is a mindset that steps into the future and lives life boldly with fearless courage and Co-creates destiny.

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Nearly one third of all conversations lack effective talking and listening skills. The outcome of these types of conversations are obvious, little to nothing gets accomplished. Imagine what it would be like if every time you share your feelings, intentions and needs with others you achieved your intended outcome? What would that mean to your relationships, work and state of mind?

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2030 and Beyond: Millions of People Instantly Manifesting their Intentions on an Unprecedented Scale.Create the life you want now

The Law of Attraction has become re-popularized in the last couple of years.  Over the years, movies like The Secret, money gurus like Bob Proctor, Napoleon Hill, T. Harv Eker, authors like Jerry and Esther Hicks and many others have espoused the secrets of manifestation. The Law of Attraction (LOA), is not some concept or idea, it is real and works in concert with Universal, Spiritual and Physical Law.

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mindsetAdam C. Hall
Take a Permanent Holiday from Stress

“If you think you’re conscious, just spend a couple of days around your family”  - Ram Dass

Have you ever felt the holidays are a stressful time? Just being around a family can induce stress. Family has a knack to  bring up things from the past that is painful. Often times it's not about what’s happening in the moment.

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Spirit of the Adventure

I would imagine most of us, or many of us, can get back in touch with that spirit of adventure, one that is magical, that's curious, that wants to discover the magic of the journey, of just being so alive.

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wellnessAdam C. Hall