Posts in relationships
There are no Safe Places, Only Safe People

The great challenges that are emerging on our planet - such as climate change and bioterrorism, are no doubt foretelling of challenging times. Whether you are an entrepreneur or CEO of a Fortune 500 company, no one is left untouched.

What I want to share with you today is that I learned early on in my business career and early on in my Journey to Genius from my teacher Alberto Villoldo, is that: there are no safe places, there are only safe people.

That begs the question, how do you become a safe person?

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The Importance of Remembering Your Truth

Do you agree or disagree that during these times of great change and challenges, namely COVID-19 and the social distancing that goes along with it, that things will never be the same?

I believe that things will never be the same. We may default into some of the same habits, but that doesn’t mean that the way we function at home, at work, and in our lives will ever be the same. So what we need to do - as entrepreneurs, as executives, or even as a husband, wife, partner or father, is adapt to these new ways. It’s going to be radically new, and we can choose to sustain what was, or we can choose to adapt to what is radically new.

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Nearly one third of all conversations lack effective talking and listening skills. The outcome of these types of conversations are obvious, little to nothing gets accomplished. Imagine what it would be like if every time you share your feelings, intentions and needs with others you achieved your intended outcome? What would that mean to your relationships, work and state of mind?

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Take a Permanent Holiday from Stress

“If you think you’re conscious, just spend a couple of days around your family”  - Ram Dass

Have you ever felt the holidays are a stressful time? Just being around a family can induce stress. Family has a knack to  bring up things from the past that is painful. Often times it's not about what’s happening in the moment.

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