Posts tagged manifestation
Quantum Wealth: A Bottom-Line Approach to Life Transformation

Do you value your time each day? Is your inner peace a key priority for you?

If so, quantum wealth is a principle you're already well on track to practicing. When you add focus and intention to it, quantum wealth promises to unlock untold measures of happiness, joy and fulfillment in all aspects of your experience.

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Cutting Edge Consciousness: Using the Sword of Truth to Dream your World into Being

Like a surgeon’s sharp scalpel, the sword of truth can cut out those parts of our life that do not support happiness. This should be done gracefully by being forgiving of ourselves and others.  By being kind and gentle with the process of letting go you can get on with the life you are meant to live. 

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The Genius Matrix: Building the Bridge to your Destiny

Steve Jobs once said, “If you define the problem correctly, you almost have the solution.”

Are you facing challenges in your life? Are your relationships fulfilling? Does your work activate your highest joy? Are you peaceful? Does your body feel vibrant and full of energy? Are you in transition?  If you answered no to any of these questions you are not alone.

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