Wealth: The bottom line of true wealth depends upon how one consciously applies their genius and emotional intelligent nature at home and work. Spiritual wealth and wellbeing does not exclude material wealth when one serves the greater good of family, community, and planet. Lasting inner wealth can be found in the bottom line of; Goodwill, Grace, and Gratitude.
Worth: The bottom line of net worth is only as good as the top line of Self-worth. No amount of wealth can replace Self-worth..
When you know yourself in body, mind, spirit and soul the authentic genius will be revealed.Lasting Self-worth can be found in the top line of: Authenticity, Accountability and Authority.
Wisdom: Wisdom comes from experiences that define your character. It gives you the courage to authentically express yourself. Every human who is or intends to perform at the highest level of achievement must put their wisdom to work in the world. Without a purpose, mission and a cause to share your wisdom, life will remain incomplete.
Women: “The world will be saved by the Western woman.” ~ His Holiness the Dalai Lama Women represent the power of the Divine Feminine, an energy that is both light and strong, tender and tremendous, firm yet flowing. It is this precise energy, wisdom and knowledge that is so needed at this current moment on Earth.
Wilding: When you value your relationship with your innate wild nature, you lay the groundwork for a deeply satisfying, replenished life experience. The wild component of your spirit acts as a catalyst to unlock your authentic self and serves as our link to Mother Nature. When you deny this aspect of yourself you greatly limit your genius and restrict your limitless potential.
Optimal states of performance, wellness and peace
The core of the Buddha’s teachings were about living according to the the eight fold path.The essence of living consciously according to spiritual principals requires that each of us up level our Intelligence nature. Shamans thrived for several millennium with this wisdom and ancient practices.
The Medicine Wheel by design helps us co-create an extraordinary destiny. For the first time ever we now have access to its secret blueprint. In the Genius Studio we discovered that by integrating the 13 Wisdom Teachings, the 8 Universal Symbols, the 8 Directions with the 8 Fields we are able to transform and transfigure our human design according the Divine Blueprint. The results: illumination, peace, love, wealth and sovereignty of the soul.
“The New Human biology and psychology requires that we regenerate ourselves to create optimal health and wellness of the genius Mind”
More than ever before, we face an unprecedented scale of existential external threats: climate change, affordable healthcare, artificial intelligence, and a host of other seen and unseen challenges.
While these problems loom large, they do not compare to the internal challenges facing us.
Rapid shifts in the human biological and psychological conditions are demanding that we up-level every aspect of our skill set. In other words, we are being called, right now, to maximize our own innate genius.
And the journey to genius begins with the right mindset.
Where New Science, New Medicine and Applied Spirituality meet
Optimal health and wellness can only be accomplished with a finely attuned mind. When only focused squarely on the health of your body, you may be ignoring how you’re feeling mentally.
If you are not experiencing peace, joy and solitude on a regular basis, then it's a sure sign that your mind is in a state of dis-ease. Without a state of ease in the mind, all other health and wellness protocols will be limited and fleeting. Death takes the place of re-generation. Every 7 years you grow a new body if you are able to shed the mind of separation.
Why? Your mind consists of two halves. In the lower half, the ego rules. This part separates the body from mind and spirit. It focuses exclusively on your life experiences.
In your mind’s upper half, the genius Mind rules. This part unites your body, heart, mind and spirit into one functioning whole.
“Whole Mind” results from a balanced upper and lower mind. Functioning from this place creates optimal wellbeing.
The Genius Studio now offers a detailed map to discover your Quantum Intelligence. Here we see the ancient medicine that has incorporated the 5 symbols that have been guiding civilizations over the past several millennium.
We have incorporated the Genius Process, the 13 Wisdom Teachings, and the 13 Rites, mundras, and mantras of the most ancient technology.
We offer to you a free masterclass to activate your Quantum Genius at the link below.
The 13 Rites of Initiation to active your Genius and Quantum Intelligence(s) Each step on the path requires us to experience a Rite of Passage and receive the power of the Mother Earth and the Earthkeepers. These 13 spokes on the Medicine Wheel will help you regain the power and grace of the homo luminous humans who walked this planet the beauty through the course of the past 2000 years.
Earth of the directions corresponds to the a field. In Quantum physics we lean about how the various field work together to ultimately create the Quantum Field. The Genius process helps you to unlearn, remember the the field. Before we remember we must pass through and integrate the previous 7 fields.