Miracle Formula for The New Year 2025

Humming bird perched quietly on a leaf.

I don't know about you, but I am eagerly leaning into this New Year and all the incredible possibilities it holds. Despite the tumultuous events of the past year, the political upheavals, and the pervasive uncertainty, I am filled with unwavering optimism and excitement. What will 2025 bring? What do you want it to bring? The future is brimming with endless possibilities.

Recently, I did a deep dive with my long-time teacher in the course of clearing out some shadows. We came up with a formula to practice.


We all experience pain to one degree or another. It could be emotional , physical, or both. When I was on the brink of death from a bike accident in 2023, I vividly remember the excruciating physical pain that also tormented my emotions. I consciously avoided the opiates and fervently prayed for the love of God to guide me to the other side. Miraculously, a sense of liberation from much of my emotional pain occurred. A profound peace began to fill the void left by the pain of the past.

Has anything ever happened like this to you?

After 63 years on this beautiful planet, I have concluded that there are three keys to finding peace. The first key is to remember how little I know, which keeps me open to learning and growth. The second key is to not expect anything, as expectations often lead to disappointment. The third key is that peace can only be experienced with the love within, as it is the foundation of all peace.


Now that 2024 has come and gone, I am reminded by this photo of the hummingbird. The hummingbird, who was enjoying a moment of peace, teaches us to slow down and enjoy the moment. She spends most of her moments flapping her wings 80 times a moment, all in the pursuit of drinking up the nectar of life. This photo serves as a powerful reminder to relish in the beauty of our shared surroundings, just like the hummingbird does.

I send you much love and well wishes for the coming season and a New Year full of Miracles. May the sweetness of YOU become the fullness of your Future. PEACE, PEACE, PEACE.



Adam C Hall is a published Author, Inspirational Speaker, Earth Steward and Father. A trained Shaman and teacher of A Course of Miracles Adam has dedicated his life to helping others realize their Genius in order to live a life of health and service.

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