Havinglessness - Living in the Sanctuary of Your Wonderful Truth
Are you at home in the sanctuary of your truth? Over the past two decades, during my quest for truth and knowledge, I set forth three intentions. 1) To heal the many lives of trauma that I have lived through. 2) To find the deep sanctuary of peace within and 3) To end the division and separation from others and nature that has been perpetuated by the idea of who I am (“ego”). After much pain, sadness, grief, joy and grace I can say for certain that it has been well worth it.
During these times of great earth changes, now as never before my dear friends, we must dwell in the sanctuary of our own truth. It doesn't matter where you are on the path to peace, freedom and truth. Our moment is now!
No longer do we have the luxury of time to fight our past conditioning, our politics, our religious beliefs, and all the rest of the bullshit that has been laid in our laps. It is time to activate our Truth Meters. It is time to reclaim our power to live in peace, joy and love?
"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are"
~Anais Nin
When we shift the way we see the world we shift the world. Together we can take back our Truth. Giving our truth away to others is perhaps the great failure of this time. Are you listening? Are you speaking with your voice? Are you being rigorous with your truth? Are you in a state of high discernment and seeing with your own eyes? If not, you are about to experience a painful realignment that’s intent on getting all of us back on track. Should we not bend toward truth we will parish.
The Art of Havinglessness points us toward the Sanctuary of our Truth.
~ A Path in Miracles
Think about it. What do we really have in life? Family, friends, stuff and all else. Without being in the sanctuary of our truth all this means little. Having….lessness offers us a chance to realign our vision with our individual and collective Truth. In truth, they are actually the same. The practice of havinglessness is the art of seeing from the highest level of our inner sight as experience from the heart and soul. Most often our past conditioning hijacks our Truth reacting to the world of chaos. Our heart and soul only care about being in the Truth…our purest nature as light and love.
The Bend in the Road. Sunsetting the false self.
There is no other. There is only the place within, your truth that connects with others from the same place of truth. I see you. I honor you. I love you. I care-less about the color of skin, gender affiliation, opinions and why you think you are special. First and foremost, I care for and respect your Truth.
Thank you friends for being in your Truth. I am honored to be living during this extraordinary time with you. We can no longer live in a world that tries to define our Truth. The interpreted world based on the lens of division and separation has come to an end. Thank God!
Adam C Hall is a published Author, Inspirational Speaker, Earth Steward and Father. A trained Shaman and teacher of A Course of Miracles Adam has dedicated his life to helping others realize their Genius in order to live a life of health and service.
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