2024 The most important year since 2001

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We are living in extraordinary times. Another great epoch in human history has arrived. It has been called many things. I prefer the era of enlightenment, a period of being "in a state of light." This would be like coming out of the darkroom of the past to see and experience a whole new world.

In the light and with this new sight comes extraordinary opportunities. There have been four industrial revolutions to date: coal and gas, electronics and nuclear, the internet and renewable energy, and now artificial and general intelligence. We have entered a golden era. Yet, we have never faced greater challenges.

Amongst the numerous challenges, I heard from a friend that there are currently 32 wars happening on the planet. Sadly, humans have been at war since the beginning of time. You may ask, can I do anything about these problems?

If you can change your life for the better then you can make the world better.

In the final days of 2023, let's join together with Mother Earth to help create a better world for our children and their children. The Dalai Lama shared a solution.

"Even though it is challenging to try and bring about peace through inner transformation, it is the only way of establishing sustainable peace in the world."

Sometimes we can do what we want, but we always can be as we want.

This month's interview with a dear friend and fellow earthkeeper, Gary Zukav, shares how you can be authentic, loving, and powerful even in the mist of chaos. 

I ask myself, you and us…Are we ready to be, or not to be?

Much Love,

— Adam

Adam C Hall is a published Author, Inspirational Speaker, Earth Steward and Father. A trained Shaman and teacher of A Course of Miracles Adam has dedicated his life to helping others realize their Genius in order to live a life of health and service.

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