2024, a make or break year for happiness

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Happiness can be fleeting. Happiness can be motivating. Happiness can be overrated. What! Overrated?

We all experience the fleeting nature of happiness. Why does it seem so illusive? It happens because happiness is an attribute of our personality, which in turn comprises our moods. Some days, we are bright and sunny. Other days, we are dark and cloudy. Sometimes, money and love are satisfying; other times, they weigh on our heart and pocketbook. So goes the life of the personality.

The soul, on the other hand, offers us another experience—that of joy. Joy transcends moods. It is omnipresent—hidden in the recess of spirit, waiting in the wings to come forth and save the day. Joy is our best friend who often feels neglected and unheard. For a long time, I failed to listen to its call which is found in the stillness of the heart. It has long been seeking me, patiently waiting while I searched in vain in the nether lands of the personality.

I was looking for happiness in the wrong places with the wrong people. When I found joy in my soul, I felt fearless. Joy has no fear. It defeats all darkness and warms our lonely heart.

Circumstances may steal our happiness, but nothing can rob us of our joy.

As we gather our wool and forge new trails in the coming year, let's do so together joyfully. Please enjoy our interview with a living legend and dear friend, Chip Conley. If you are feeling the fleeting nature of happiness and a deep longing for purpose, see the latest development from Soul Guide.

Please join me in welcoming a new year that will bring us happiness and joy as never before.

This year's mantra: I trust my inner joy to navigate challenges and seize new opportunities, knowing I am unstoppable in my pursuit of peace, love, and joy.



— Adam

Adam C Hall is a published Author, Inspirational Speaker, Earth Steward and Father. A trained Shaman and teacher of A Course of Miracles Adam has dedicated his life to helping others realize their Genius in order to live a life of health and service.

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