Feeling Lost? Getting back on the Path

Video transcription:

Hello my friends. We all lose our way at times and the path of the earth keeper never fails to nudge us back on track. Some of us wander for years or even lifetimes, and many of us get stuck in this endless merry-go-Round around and around we go. And still others take a few steps forward and a few steps backwards.

I've done that more than a few times, and we seek to control our path. Yet, the path is uncontrollable. We think that we can lead our lives, yet we often come back to the very first step. What I found is when we give up control, we regain control of our ability to lead a worthy life. And paradoxically, a true earthkeeper is one who gives up control, yet ultimately gains the trust of the community.

Earthkeepers live in alignment with all things and control no things. They call this Ayne. They live this way because when in Ayne, something magical happens. You see, seated within each of us lies the unimaginable worlds and seen outside of us lies imaginable possibilities. The former being the future and the latter is the past. And where they intersect lies, the present, and herein lies, I sense, the secret of an extraordinary life of peace, love, and creation.

I bid you all a joyful path of peace, love, and creation. Bye-Bye for now. And blessings to you.


Adam C Hall is a published Author, Inspirational Speaker, Earth Steward and Father. A trained Shaman and teacher of A Course of Miracles Adam has dedicated his life to helping others realize their Genius in order to live a life of health and service.

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Adam C. Hall