Timelessness in the Age of Time

Having just returned to California to a home of beauty and joy, from the wild land and sea on the Island of Ibiza, Spain, I am grateful for all the steps I have taken and all the souls that have illuminated the path abroad. Adventure travel with purpose and mission mysteriously invokes magic along with the manifestation of dreams.

I did not know what to expect having had heard of this island as a place of rave and drunken merriment for decades. The intention was to speak at a conference, be with friends, and share about the Soul Guide Movement and our transformational technology. It was about anything but the rave. It was about the coming wave of great change.

Four major interpersonal themes emerged: 1) everything is beautiful, no matter how ugly it may appear, 2) never be short-sighted about claiming what you have earned. Treat yourself gently and luxuriously, 3) deeds and destiny are linked. Connecting, cooperating, and co-creating together is the name of this splendid game we call life, 4) always stay in the flow. Chaos is meant to remind us to stay centered.

May the coming months bring you beauty, comfort, connection, and flow.


— Adam

Adam C Hall is a published Author, Inspirational Speaker, Earth Steward and Father. A trained Shaman and teacher of A Course of Miracles Adam has dedicated his life to helping others realize their Genius in order to live a life of health and service.

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