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Our interview with Dr Bruce Lipton this month comes from the past. Watching it again reminded me of something very important. In order to “shed our skin” of the past, we must heal our future in the present moment. Our emotional and psycho-spiritual nature is complex. Although this is not always the case, I have found that one can simplify this complexity using a simple process.

I call this process Context Transformation or “CT.” A little secret about Consciousness Evolution or “CE” and longevity. CE evolves from moment to moment by shifting context. Like steps on a path, we leave behind the past with each step forward. With the next step forward, you land in the present. And the next and future step reveals itself from the newness of the present. The result? Newness that extends our life spans.

When we practice CT, the past events no longer push us. Furthermore, we no longer fret about the future. We can live in the newness of the present. Transforming the past while simultaneously creating the future hacks the mindset that keeps us locked in the past and fearful of the future by helping us live in the present. It keeps life new and feeds the soul. Want to grow young? Master Context Transformation.



Adam C Hall is a published Author, Inspirational Speaker, Earth Steward and Father. A trained Shaman and teacher of A Course of Miracles Adam has dedicated his life to helping others realize their Genius in order to live a life of health and service.

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