Mission Critical Message

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As we close out the year, it has become evident that everybody matters. The incidents of war, chaos, and conflict are rising. For many, finding, food, shelter, safety, and trustworthy people seems like a dream from another time. The stresses and strains of being human are testing us as never before. Nobody gets a pass on this one. We are all together. This is why you matter.

Recently, during my travels in Europe, I had a chance to spend the day with a great Earthkeeper, Ervin László, and his lovely bride, Clarita. The conversation and connection were profound. He may be 90, but he has never been more certain of his mission and role during these times of great change. He shared what we now call the "M" Factor. 

Every one of us has a mission. Most do not know it; many do not care. Knowing your mission "M" Factor will help you achieve your purpose and find fulfillment. Also, in this month's interview, we conclude a 3 part series with Leigh McCloskey. Titled from meaninglessness to significance, we further explore the HIEROGLYPH of the SOUL from his studio. Our conversation sheds light on how knowing one's purpose and mission will ultimately determine one's fate and destiny. What happens to you compared to what you can make happen. If you want to explore how I might help you create a life of destiny, please feel free to contact me

Sending you much strength and love,

— Adam

Adam C Hall is a published Author, Inspirational Speaker, Earth Steward and Father. A trained Shaman and teacher of A Course of Miracles Adam has dedicated his life to helping others realize their Genius in order to live a life of health and service.

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