Have you discovered the Genius Code within?

Have you considered that the best kept secrets of life are found within? Have you been searching far and wide for deeper meaning and purpose?

Are you yearning to find more joy and revitalize your passion for life? Wherever you are on the evolutionary path, why not go deeper and further to live out your highest destiny NOW?

I am so happy to share a wonderful conversation with a dear friend, Dr. Bruce Lipton. He shares his insights and wisdom about evolving beyond fate into a life of purposeful joy. I am also excited to share my dear friend and shaman sister Marcela Lobos’ new book - The Sacred Andean Code. I began walking this path with her and her husband, Alberto Villoldo, in 2005. We traveled into the jungles and mountains. We were amongst the first non-indigenous peoples to receive the 9th Rite of Passage, the God Rite. The Codes, Marcela, and Alberto have forever changed my life and pointed me to a destiny grounded in connection, love, joy, and abundance.

Much Love,

- Adam

Adam C Hall is a published Author, Inspirational Speaker, Earth Steward and Father. A trained Shaman and teacher of A Course of Miracles Adam has dedicated his life to helping others realize their Genius in order to live a life of health and service.

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