Are you prepared? It's never too late to begin.

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As we walk boldly together into a new era, I invite you to take a moment to reflect upon a few pressing events: 

Human to Human 

1) Global Events, War, Climate and Pandemic all point to the birth of a new world order. Like any transformative period, we and our planet are in a hyper state of dying and rebirthing. Death begets us to die too that which no longer serves us, and gives birth to that which not only sustains our divine human nature, but lifts us into deeper meaning, purpose and mission. The next turn of our conscious evolutionary spiral has arrived far sooner than imagined. Are you prepared? 

Genius to Genius 

2) Mind Shift; A Crisis of Consciousness. Often during periods of great change we become fixated on events that are “outside” of ourselves. One of the great spiritual truths is that ‘the outside picture is a reflection of an inward condition.’ Our planetary crisis is a crisis that happens within the collective mindset. What can we do about it? 

Heart to Heart 

3) New Story, the forces of the dark, which in biblical speak is the ‘antichrist’ has presented itself in war and elsewhere. We are the new Story Tellers. All of us, especially the “conscious leaders” amongst us must ask ourselves, where are we writing and or telling this new story from. Is it from a place of fear or love?


May this article invite curiosity and bring you a deep inner peace. Your story is your genius. Please share it.




Adam C Hall is a published Author, Inspirational Speaker, Earth Steward and Father. A trained Shaman and teacher of A Course of Miracles Adam has dedicated his life to helping others realize their Genius in order to live a life of health and service.

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